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Page history last edited by jam@... 16 years, 8 months ago

Radio Zero



Artists that are not with a rights organization are not able to have their content used legally by media. Media needs an agreement between the artist and that media so that media is able to use that content. The contract would be non-exclusive, this means that if the artist decided to join a rights organization that the contract could simply be removed from the artists site.


Who would use this contract?



Some media is already asking artists if they are members of rights organizations online. If a "self published" band or artist puts a price for the use of content on that media, the media is in the same pool as content with rights organizations. If the artist puts zero cost for use of content on the content, then media would have incentive to use that self published content. Reality TV has taken over and part of the reason for this ( i reckon) is because its simple and it lowers costs. If media knows that it can get quality content for free, it seems natural that the media would use this content. Some kind of rating or points system might have to be introduced to assure the media that the content belonged to the artist. If you look at many online sites you'll find "self published" artists paying out big money for exposure. When artists do get the exposure, artists rarely get the return on what it cost them to get that exposure. Often labels in the US give content for free to media for 2 4 and 6 month periods of time at no cost. Why can't self published artists benifit with exposure also.


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