Welcome to the OwnTerms Wiki. This is the place for folks to collaborate on the OwnTerms project!
Please be bold in making suggestions!
Ways To Help Out
Donate your existing documents: put them under a Creative Commons license, and make a new page for them. If you're not sure what to do, or if you have any questions, edit this page and add your question at the bottom!
Current Documents
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If all else fails this Woody Guthrie songbook from the 1930s had an interesting approach!
Planned Documents
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Who Are You?
Hi, I'm Tom Scott, and I started this up.
Hi, I'm Jamison Young, and i reckon this is a good idea cause i have been traveling alone with license ideas.
Just blogged about this wiki. - Rauterkus
Hi,I'm Jeevan Padiyar, I just read about this site on the videobloggers list and thought I'd come check it out. :) This type of opensource endevor is so critically needed. Thanks for putting it together!
I'm Beth Granter and I just added a Moderation Policy I used as a basis for another one.
I'm Peter Ferne I'm an administrator on this site. I've added a few items and used a couple on sites I have worked on elsewhere.
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